
Friday, 15 April 2016

apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

Improvisation techniques that I have used successfully are, always say yes, use past experiences and carry on the story.

Improvisation techniques that I would like to have more practice at being pacific.

The thing that I enjoyed most about this unit of learning was doing the name rap because it was funny.

The thing that I found most challenging during this unit of learning was the family portraits because because it was hard.

My favourite improv game was name rap because it was funny.

My next step/ something I need to work on further  in improvisation is be more confident because i'm not that confident.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

W.A.L.T I can read and interpret a range of graphs

Heading W.A.L.T I can read and interpret a range of graphs

For maths I have been learning to read and interpret a range of graphs. This relates to the National Standards as it meets the criteria of: Delete the ones that are not yours
  • I can compare distributions visually

Here is link to my Statistical Literacy spreadsheet here  which shows all of the graphs and tables I can read and interpret.

I have also compared and contrasted some of the graphs. Below are the links to them

My next step is to use these in my leadership investigation next term.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Term 1 Integrated Learning - Leadership

We have been learning all about What makes a good leader.

We identified that good leaders show 6 main character traits. These are integrity,goal focused,trustworthy,active thinker,resilient and motivational.

The leadership trait that I think I show the most is resilient because I don't give up.

The leadership trait I would most like to develop is motivational because i'm not good at motivating people.

Something NEW I have learned about leadership is everyone is a leader.

The SOLO level that I reached during this unit of learning i because relational.

My next step in learning about leadership is to apply everything that I have learned about leadership to my own leadership roles.