
Friday, 23 September 2016

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

In this project I was working with Sam.L and Xanthe and we decided to create T.V AD

Here is a link what we made. Samantha L, Isabella and Xanthe Water Cycle TV ad

In this project we decided that our success criteria were:  
A good TV ad, water filter or Children’s Story needs...
Why is this important?
Kept simple.
So that it an easy and fun commercial to film.
Memorable and effective.
People remember our commercial and why the water cycle is important.
Length is flexible, but keep it brief.
Because otherwise it may be too short and people won’t understand.
Because people will be more inclined to watch it if it’s funny and entertaining.
If you're not funny, don't make a jokey video.
Because otherwise your video will end up looking like a joke.

Overall our project did meet this criteria because... we executed our plan and put it into action.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Assessment task


  • 1. Draw a 10cm x 10cm square.
  • 2. On the top line make a mark at 3cm and 7cm.
  • 3. On the bottom line make a mark at 3cm and 7cm.
  • 4. On the top line where you made the 7cm mark draw that line down 4cm.
  • 5. On the bottom line where you made a mark at 3cm draw that line up 4cm.
  • 6. On the top line at the 3cm mark draw a line to connect with the line at the 7cm mark
  • 7. On the bottom line at the 7cm mark draw a line to connect with the line at  the 3cm mark 

Friday, 16 September 2016


The sport that I did for koru games was touch .

Two of my highlights are:

  1. Winning a couple of games because we weren't the best team.
  2. Scoring tries because I didn't think I was going to get any.

Something that I am proud of is scoring some tries. 

Some advice I would give to years 7 for next year would be if you are losing don't stop trying.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


CARE: My progress so far

The CARE award that I am working towards is:  Bronze

The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is:
 community         because: I have got the most ticks in community.

The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is: Active thinking           because:I have the least ticks in active thinking

To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by doing/showing these leadership traits: resilient and integrity

On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: Relational            because:I know how to use the care values interdependently.





Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.

I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.

I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.

I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Water cycle information report

          The water cycle.


The water cycle is the cycle the water goes thorough to recycle.The water cycle has three forms that it can appear as : gas,liquid and solid.There are four stages to the water cycle: evaporation,condensation,precipitation and runoff.


One of the steps of the water cycle is evaporation.Evaporation is when the sun heat up the water and the water evaporation (turns into gas).When the sun is hotter the water evaporates quicker because the heat make thing evaporate after evaporation the next step in the water cycle is condensation.


Condensation happens when the temperature changes,warmer air can hold more water vapor(gas)than colder air precipitation/rain fall more in colder places and less in hotter places eg deserts. After Condensation/precipitation the next step in the water cycle is runoff/groundwater.


Another one of the steps of the water cycle is runoff/groundwater.Runoff is the water from precipitation that run down into lakes,rivers,seas.some runoff goes into the ground to ground.Groundwater is the water that we drink,before we drink it goes through aquifers to get cleaned.


The water cycle describes how water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.

I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.

For reading I have been learning about adverbial clauses. I have found this learning challenging at the start because I didn't know how to do it.

In this activity adverbial clauses, I had to...see what part of the sentence was the adverbial clause.

WALT - I can recognize and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns.

WALT - I can recognize and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns.

In this unit I have been learning about:
  • The parts of speech.
  • The types of nouns.
  • The types of sentences.

In this unit, I found challenging trying to remember all of the different types of names for nouns.

Something new I learnt was how to put these nouns into sentences.